My Story

Who am I?  

My name is Gloria Atcheson, and I am the mother of two children. On September 7, 2019, my son, Cody Eric Atcheson, passed away, and my world was forever changed.

How did this idea even come to be?

I wanted to do something in his memory, but it was almost a year, before my purpose was discovered. As I drove around my city of Terre Haute, there were always individuals asking for help. I wanted to help, but never knew exactly how. A friend posted about giving out blessing bags to the homeless. After a quick trip to a local store and $40, my two Blessing Bags were ready to be given out. Each bag contained water, Gatorade, crackers, breakfast bars, and trail mix. A smaller bag included cleansing wipes, toothpaste, toothbrush, and deodorant. The recipients have limited access to a refrigerator, microwave, or shower. The Blessing Bags may not solve the problem of homelessness, but it would show compassion by meeting an immediate need. An estimated 20 Blessing Bags were given out in 2020 and 2021. In these bags, a gospel tract, my son's obituary, and a personal note were included. My friends learned about my bags and started gathering items to donate. A few people even wanted to give money to purchase items. This led me to look into establishing a non-profit organization. 

Why do I care?

As a grieving mother of a child lost to the drug epidemic, I had a bird's eye view of the effects of addiction. I saw how addiction can lead to arrests, felony, probation, inability to find employment, and difficulty obtaining a residence. I also learned the roadblocks one faces such as probation and inability to find for employment and housing.  Many are at their rock bottom. While some have managed to climb out of the pit, others lose hope and sink deeper into despair.

Cody was never homeless, but he was always offering his homeless friends a room or couch in his home. I remember him saying, "Mom, he/she had no where to go." CEA Homeless Ministries Compassion Embraces Addicts Inc was established as a nonprofit with 501c3 status in memory of Cody Eric Atcheson .